Delayed Ejaculation FAQ?

The average time it takes for ejaculation to occur upon stimulation varies between individuals, with no strict figure given for what is “normal”. But, there is always a general sense of what can be abnormal and here it is assigned to 30 minutes; i.e if a man takes longer than 30 minutes of penetrative sex to ejaculate, despite a normal erection, it is considered delayed ejaculation. A closer insight into this topic with all the information needed and the frequently asked questions will be covered next. So, make sure you read it to the end.


Well, of course the start will be with an answer for ‘’What is delayed ejaculation’’?
Delayed ejaculation (or retarded ejaculation) affects a much smaller number of men – as few as 1-5%, according to some estimates. This male orgasmic disorder is classed as either:

  • Experiencing a significant delay before ejaculation
  • Being unable to ejaculate at all, even though the man wants to, and his erection is normal

You may have delayed ejaculation if:

  • You experience a repeated and unwanted delay before ejaculation lasting for 30 to 60 minutes
  • You’re unable to ejaculate at least half the times you have sex


What are the possible causes of the delayed ejaculation?

When ejaculation only occurs in certain situations, there’s usually a psychological cause.
Possible psychological reasons of delayed ejaculation include:

  • Strict upbringing, cultural or religious taboos
  • Traumatic experience can also give sex a negative connotation.
  • Anxiety and depression can both suppress sexual desire, which may result in delayed ejaculation as well.
  • Relationship stress, poor communication and anger can make it worse.


Is slow ejaculation always a psychological problem?

Nearly always, but there are exceptions:

  • Medication: ejaculation problems can happen suddenly in men who have had no previous difficulties, but who have been put on certain medication. Examples include:
    • Antidepressants, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
    • Medications to treat high blood pressure, such as beta-blockers.
    • Antipsychotics, used to treat episodes of psychosis.
    • Some muscle relaxants such as balcofen, which is widely used to treat motor neurone disease and multiple sclerosis.
    • Powerful painkillers, such as methadone (which is also widely used to treat people addicted to heroin

In these cases, a change of tablets will usually cure the problem. Excessive use of alcohol can also cause difficulty in ejaculation.

Other physical causes of delayed ejaculation include:

  • Diabetes (usually only type 1 diabetes)
  • Damage to the nerves in your spine or pelvis
  • Certain prostate surgeries that cause nerve damage
    Multiple sclerosis
  • Heart disease that affects blood pressure to the pelvic region
  • Neuropathy or stroke
  • Low thyroid hormone
  • Low testosterone levels
  • Birth defects that impair the ejaculation process
  • Increasing age

What kind of complications should I expect with delayed ejaculation?

Delayed ejaculation can cause problems with self-esteem in addition to feelings of inadequacy, failure, and negativity. Men who experience the condition may avoid intimacy with others due to frustrations and fear of failure.

Other complications may include:

  • Decreased sexual pleasure
    • Anxiety about sex
    • Inability to conceive, or male infertility
    • Low libido
    • Stress and anxiety

But it’s worth remembering that in a supportive, honest relationship, it doesn’t have to be a big issue. As with any condition, if you’re having problems with your sex life, it’s best to involve your partner as much as possible and communicate your concerns honestly. In addition, for men and women, orgasms don’t always happen within the time frame you want them to, and that’s nothing to be ashamed about. Everyone is different and a happy sex life shouldn’t purely be focused on climaxing.


What can be done for men with delayed ejaculation?

Unfortunately, there is no instant cure. Treatment will depend on the underlying cause.. check below..

  • If you’ve had lifelong problems or you’ve never ejaculated, a urologist can determine if you have a structural birth defect.
  • Identifying and seeking treatment for DE sometimes exposes an underlying medical condition. Once this is treated, delayed ejaculation often resolves.
  • The same is true when the underlying cause is a medication. However, don’t stop taking any medication without consulting health professionals.
  • During the period 2010 to 2015, a number of doctors have tried treating delayed ejaculation patients with drugs that slightly alter the chemistry in the brain, the objective being to make orgasm easier. It worked actually, and they are still in use, these medications include:
    • Cyproheptadine, which is an allergy medication
    • Amantadine, which is a drug used to treat Parkinson’s disease
    • Buspirone, which is an antianxiety medication
    • Treating illicit drug use and alcoholism, if applicable, can also help Delayed ejaculation. Thus, finding inpatient or outpatient recovery programs is one therapy option.
    • Psychological counselling can help treat depression, anxiety, and fears that trigger or perpetuate delayed ejaculation. Sex therapy may also be useful in addressing the underlying cause of sexual dysfunction. This type of therapy may be completed alone or with your partner.


We want to have children. What if counselling and all other methods don’t work?

If the man cannot get to the stage where he ejaculates inside the vagina, the couple can be helped to conceive by:

  • IVF (test-tube) techniques.
  • Artificial insemination (AI), in which a doctor injects the man’s seminal fluid into the woman

**If you want to try IVF or artificial insemination, we recommend that you seek professional help.

Other treatments:

  • Beware of people who want to give you expensive hormones, or who try to relieve you of very large sums of money.
  • If you search the internet, you will find claims for Chinese herbal treatment that produces a near 100 per cent success rate. This does not seem very likely.
  • Claims are also made for yoga and for hypnotherapy as modes of treatment. Theoretically, it is possible that hypnotism could help a guy to relax and ‘let go – and therefore reach a climax.

What can I expect in the long term?

There are many possible causes of delayed ejaculation. Regardless of the cause, treatments are available. Don’t be embarrassed or afraid to speak up. The condition is very common. By asking for help, you can get the psychological and physical support needed to address the issue and enjoy a more fulfilling sex life.


What dietary choices can I make to help treat delayed ejaculation?

There is very little information regarding recommendations on food choices that will help with delayed ejaculation. However, as delayed ejaculation can be related to uncontrolled hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes, following the proper diet to help these conditions may help in that it can slow the progression of these diseases. It is a good idea to limit salt and fat intake if you have hypertension or heart disease and to limit simple sugars if you have diabetes. Also, you should limit alcohol use, since excessive consumption can lead to delayed ejaculation.



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